Our Blog

Here is just some of the things we have done in 2022…

Our toddlers and babies took a trip to the library today, look how much fun they had!

We’ve had such a busy Friday! We have been planting flowers, played with mud with dinosaurs, tried to find the sea animals in the shaving foam and then did exercise! Wow what a day we had !!

We were feeding our animals some healthy food today! They loved it yum!! This activity ties in with Startwell

The baby’s have been very busy this week they enjoyed lots of messy play and we have even been practicing spoon feeding with the babies, they got very mucky !

The babies loved our bubble play Activity and stayed very engaged during this.

We have also done some clay work but shhh thats a surprise!

Our pre school children have had an amazing day! We have turned our home corner into a mosque, the children helped make flags, they have dressed up in traditional Asian clothes and read books about the culture. Happy eid for everyone celebrating next week!!

Don’t forget our eid party next Friday!! Dress to impress

Our Queen jubilee party was an amazing success! The children had so much fun today, we hope they tell you everything!

Toddlers went out for a walk today and went to the park, they even saw some dogs!

There was a digger outside our nursery today!! The children were so fascinated and excited by what they were doing, we have decided to do a transport theme for next month as the children loved this so much !

We have started our transport theme month .. we did an activity based around seeing the diggers outside the nursery. The children had some much fun and were engaged in this activity all day !

The babies have done lots of exploring with different resources recently like paint and glitter and are using the different mark making tools correctly.

We have done lots of imaginary play with our teddies and babies we even had a picnic !

Please lookout for something special being sent out next week. We are asking all our lovely parents to go out looking for anything that is related to autumn e.g. leaves, conkers, pine cones etc. Also we would love family pictures.

We had a delightful afternoon! We made a new friend! Pre-school we’re able to expand their language and discuss what fun things they will be doing on Halloween night!

We had lots of fun sticking our hands into the pumpkin and pulling the seeds out!

The texture made them pull so many funny faces! Lovely work, so proud of you ♥️

It was lovely to see the pre-schoolers acting so grown up and reading stories to the toddlers and babies!

We was able to mix the age groups and have them learn off one another in a different environment!

They was all so well behaved and we even got a well done from the librarian! ????♥️