Our Curriculum

Little Cherubs Day Nursery follows the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. This focuses on the children as unique individuals, allows us to map their progress over the seven key learning areas and identify where they may need help. All paper work used to document the curriculum has been put together for the children by the Little Cherubs Team and overseen by a qualified teacher. Children’s folders are accessible to parents at all times and the child’s Key Carer or the nursery manager are always available to discuss any questions or address any concerns.

The seven areas of learning covered are:

Communication and Language

Physical Development

Personal, Social and Emotional Development



Understanding the World

Expressive Arts and Design

Our daily activities and play opportunities are planned through these areas and each child will be treated as an individual and presented with lots of opportunities every day to develop and reach their potential through play. Staff encourage the children to be confident and independent, and endeavour to develop their self-esteem.

We believe our relationship and communication with parents is paramount. To ensure parents feel part of their children’s care we have introduced a scrap book which goes home with each child at the end of the week. It contains photos and information on what has happened at the nursery during the week.