Preschool Room

3 to 4 year olds

The Pre-School room is where we do small group activities, for example listening games, introduce telling the time, communication, language and literacy, problem solving, reasoning and numeracy.

During your child’s session we will offer a well planned purposeful curriculum, which comprises activities which are structured around each child’s individual developmental needs, as well as a broad choice of play activities. A qualified Early Years teacher oversees all our curriculum planning and assessment. Books are kept for each child which keeps you up to date on their learning and development.

We hold daily singing music/movement sessions and the children enjoy being loud and using the musical instruments. When they want to be quieter, the children are encouraged to enjoy books or just chill out in our cosy quiet corner.

Our activities are mostly Child-led activities, we base it on the child’s interests at the time. Adult-led activities are also set out but we do like the children to explore and enjoy playing with a lot of natural materials.